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Posts posted by Invizion

  1. if(dialogid == DIALOG_BPUT)
    	        new vehicleid = GetClosestVehicle( playerid ), cID = vPersonal[vehicleid];
    			if( !vPersonal[ vehicleid ] ) return true;
    			if( !CheckIfIsOwner( playerid, vehicleid ) ) return Server( playerid, "You aren't the Owner of this car!");
    			for( new y=1; y < MAX_PCARS; y++ )
    				new name[ 32 ], info2[ 256 ];
    			  	cartrunk[ cID ] = troaca[ playerid ][ y ];
    			    new model = GetVehicleModel( cartrunk[ cID ] );
    				new gunid = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid);
    				new ammo = GetPlayerAmmo(playerid);
    			if (listitem == 0 && gunid != 0)
    				if(IsPlayerInRangeOfVehicle(playerid, cartrunk[ cID ], 3.0))
    			    if(tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][0] != 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED," There are already guns!");
    					return 1;
    				if(gunid == 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN," First choose which weapons you want to put in the trunk");
    					return 1;
            		tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][0] = gunid;
    				tAmmo[cartrunk[ cID ]][0] = ammo;
    				SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN," You have successfully put your weapon in the trunk");
    			if (listitem == 1 && gunid != 0)
    				if(IsPlayerInRangeOfVehicle(playerid, cartrunk[ cID ], 3.0))
    			    if(tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][1] != 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED," There are already guns!");
    					return 1;
    				if(gunid == 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN," First choose which weapons you want to put in the trunk");
    					return 1;
     			    tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][1] = gunid;
    				tAmmo[cartrunk[ cID ]][1] = ammo;
    				SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN," You have successfully put your weapon in the trunk");
    			if (listitem == 2 && gunid != 0)
    				if(IsPlayerInRangeOfVehicle(playerid, cartrunk[ cID ], 3.0))
    			    if(tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][2] != 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED," There are already guns!");
    					return 1;
    				if(gunid == 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN," First choose which weapons you want to put in the trunk");
    					return 1;
     			    tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][2] = gunid;
    				tAmmo[cartrunk[ cID ]][2] = ammo;
    				SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN," You have successfully put your weapon in the trunk");
    			if (listitem == 3 && gunid != 0)
    				if(IsPlayerInRangeOfVehicle(playerid, cartrunk[ cID ], 3.0))
    			    if(tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][3] != 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED," There are already guns!");
    					return 1;
    				if(gunid == 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN," First choose which weapons you want to put in the trunk");
    					return 1;
     			    tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][3] = gunid;
    				tAmmo[cartrunk[ cID ]][3] = ammo;
    				SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN," You have successfully put your weapon in the trunk");
    			if (listitem == 4 && gunid != 0)
    				if(IsPlayerInRangeOfVehicle(playerid, cartrunk[ cID ], 3.0))
    			    if(tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][4] != 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED," There are already guns!");
    					return 1;
    				if(gunid == 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN," First choose which weapons you want to put in the trunk");
    					return 1;
     			    tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][4] = gunid;
    				tAmmo[cartrunk[ cID ]][4] = ammo;
    				SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN," You have successfully put your weapon in the trunk");
    			if (listitem == 5 && gunid != 0)
    				if(IsPlayerInRangeOfVehicle(playerid, cartrunk[ cID ], 3.0))
    			    if(tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][5] != 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED," There are already guns!");
    					return 1;
    				if(gunid == 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN," First choose which weapons you want to put in the trunk");
    					return 1;
     			    tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][5] = gunid;
    				tAmmo[cartrunk[ cID ]][5] = ammo;
    				SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN," You have successfully put your weapon in the trunk");
    			for(new t=0; t < 6; t++)
    			    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfVehicle(playerid, cartrunk[ cID ], 5.0))
    			    	g_Weaps[t] = tWeapon[cartrunk[ cID ]][t];
    			    	g_Ammo[t] = tAmmo[cartrunk[cID]][t];
    			SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED," You're close Trunk.");
            return 1;


  2. Acum functioneaza pe toate masinile care le cumperi deci e bine. Dar acuma problema e alta daca pun o arma intr-o masina apare pe toate masinile mele dar si pe a altui player.(PE SCURT O ARMA PUSA INTR-O MASINA APARE IN TOATE MASINILE PERSONALE DE PE SV).

  3. Problema intalnita (descriere):Problema este ca functioneaza doar pe prima masina si apare la toate acelasi portbagaj.
    Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile):
    Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu):

    CMD:bput(playerid, params[])
        new const vehicleid = GetClosestVehicle( playerid );
        new const cID = vPersonal[vehicleid];
    	if( !vPersonal[ vehicleid ] ) return 1;
    	if( !CheckIfIsOwner( playerid, vehicleid ) ) return Server( playerid, "You aren't the Owner of this car!");
    	for(new y=1; y < MAX_PCARS; y++)
    	new name[32], info2[256];
      	cartrunk[cID] = troaca[playerid][y];
        new model = GetVehicleModel(cartrunk[cID]);
        for(new t=0; t < 6; t++)
    	    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfVehicle(playerid, cartrunk[cID], 5.0))
    	    	tWeapon[cartrunk[cID]][t] = g_Weaps[t];
    	    	tAmmo[cartrunk[cID]][t] = g_Ammo[t];
    			if(IsPlayerInRangeOfVehicle(playerid, cartrunk[cID], 5.0))
    				if(model!=448 && model!=461 && model!=462 && model!=463 && model!=468 && model!=471 && model!=481 && model!=509 && model!=510 && model!=521 && model!=522 && model!=523 && model!=581 && model!=586 && model!=481 && model!=509 && model!=510)
    					for(new t=0; t < 6; t++)
    						if(tWeapon[cartrunk[cID]][t] != 0)
    	 						GetWeaponName(tWeapon[cartrunk[cID]][t], name, sizeof(name));
    							format(info2, sizeof(info2), "%s%d. %s\n", info2, t+1, name);
    						format(info2, sizeof(info2), "%s%d. Empty\n", info2, t+1);
    					ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_BPUT, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Trunk Weapon", info2, "Select", "Cancel");
     				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "  This is vehicle not have trunk!");
    return 1;

    Imagini / Video (optional):
    Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?: Codul de mai sus este exact ce am incercat.


    cID = este idul masinii din baza de date.

    Masinile cand sunt create asa

    stock incarcaPersonale( playerid )
    	for( new i; i < MAX_PCARS; ++i )
    	    if( !pVData[ i ][ cExist ] ) continue;
    	    if( !strcmp( pData[ playerid ][ pNormalName ], pVData[ i ][ cOwner ], true ) )
         	   	troaca[playerid][i] = CreateVehicle(  pVData[ i ][ cModel ], pVData[ i ][ cLocation ][ 0 ], pVData[ i ][ cLocation ][ 1 ], pVData[ i ][ cLocation ][ 2 ], pVData[ i ][ cLocation ][ 3 ], pVData[ i ][ cColor1 ], pVData[ i ][ cColor2 ], -1 );
    	        vPersonal[ troaca[playerid][i] ] = pVData [ i ][ cDBID ];
    	        SetVehicleNumberPlate( troaca[playerid][i], pVData [ i ][ cPlate ] );
    	        for( new comp; comp < 14; ++comp )
    	             AddVehicleComponent( troaca[playerid][i] , pVData[ i ][ cMod ][ comp ] );
    	printf( "Loaded PCars for %s", pData[ playerid ][ pNormalName ] );
    	return 1;

    eu am gandit asa troaca[playerid] troaca = vehicleid --> playerid masina playerului iar i = masina cu nr 1..2...3....MAX_PCARS

    si in functie la /bput 

    cartrunk[cID] = troaca[playerid][y]; cartrunk[cid] portbagajul cu id masinii iar troaca masina playerului 1..2...3 etc..

  4. Adica apare ca este intrat pe server cu toate ca el a iesit , daca incerc sa bag R5 Imi da Gm Unknow, Hostul Foloseste Centos si n-am gasit MYSQL R5 Pe centos.


    EDIT: AM uitat sa precizez am incercat pe un al host se pare ca pluginul a rulat pe acel host , dar pe hotul meu care foloseste centos nu ruleza serverul cu pluginul r5. Cred ca trebuie R5 PE CENTOS

  5. Problemă întâlnită (descriere): Playerul Ramane Connectat pe Server dupa ce se deconecteaza.
    Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): Nu-mi Da Erroare Serverul nimic , Eu Cred ca este din Cauza Versiune de MYSQL Serverul cere R5 eu am bagat R6.

    Are Cineva MYSQL R5 PE CENTOS ? 
    Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul: -
    Imagini / Video (optional): -
    Aţi încercat să rezolvaţi singur?: Da


    EDIT : Ma scuzati Daca am gresit Categoria Va rog sa o mutati.

  6. EDIT

    Nick: Invizion

    Problema: Nu se salveaza GANG NAME , COLOR SKIN MOTD GRAD dar mrg sa ma fac leader la gang dar dupa ce intru nu mai sunt..

    Erori / warnings: nu

    Lini/script: http://pastebin.com/CW205Krp etc..

    Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?: DA

  7. [pawn]C:\Users\Invizion\Desktop\Romania Dark Drift v2\pawno\include\Sinclude.inc(133) : warning 219: local variable "amount" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Users\Invizion\Desktop\Romania Dark Drift v2\pawno\include\Sinclude.inc(151) : warning 219: local variable "amount" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Users\Invizion\Desktop\Romania Dark Drift v2\gamemodes\RDD.pwn(4977) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)

    C:\Users\Invizion\Desktop\Romania Dark Drift v2\gamemodes\RDD.pwn(57083) : error 001: expected token: ")", but found "&"

    C:\Users\Invizion\Desktop\Romania Dark Drift v2\gamemodes\RDD.pwn(57083) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero

    C:\Users\Invizion\Desktop\Romania Dark Drift v2\gamemodes\RDD.pwn(57083) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

    C:\Users\Invizion\Desktop\Romania Dark Drift v2\gamemodes\RDD.pwn(57083 -- 57086) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

    Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

    5 Errors.[/pawn]


  8. Nick: Invizion

    Problema: nu functioneaza comanda o scriu si nu-mi apare nimic..

    Erori / warnings: nu




    dcmd_setplevel(playerid, params[])//Set a player level


    new amount;

    if(!sscanf(params, "dd", giveplayerid, amount)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "{FF0000}[ERROR]{FFFFFF}Usage: /setplevel [PlayerID] [pLevel]");

    SetPlayerLevel(giveplayerid, amount);

    return 1;




    [pawn]SetPlayerLevel(playerid, plevel)


        PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] = plevel;

        dini_IntSet(PFile(playerid), "pLevel", PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel]);


    Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?: Da

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