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Posts posted by vbicompany

  1. Bun credca merge comanda nu mai mia dat eroare pe comanda dar imi da altundeva care imi tot aparea de o vreme am postato si mai sus

    Eroare : [pawn]C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(6088) : error 027: invalid character constant

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(6088) : error 027: invalid character constant[/pawn]

    Linia 6088

    [pawn]hFile = fopen("Logs\.log", io_append);[/pawn]

    Tot codul : [pawn]public KickLog(string[])


    new entry[256];

    format(entry, sizeof(entry), "%s\r\n",string);

    new File:hFile;

    hFile = fopen("Logs\.log", io_append);

    fwrite(hFile, entry);


    } [/pawn]

    Asta ce mai ii ?

  2. Imi da urmatoarele erori

    [pawn]C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(6088) : error 027: invalid character constant

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(6088) : error 027: invalid character constant

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30559) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30559 -- 30560) : warning 215: expression has no effect

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30560) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "return"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30560) : warning 217: loose indentation

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30562) : warning 225: unreachable code

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30562) : warning 217: loose indentation[/pawn]

    Linia 6088

    [pawn]hFile = fopen("Logs\.log", io_append);[/pawn]

    Liniile 30559-30560

    [pawn]if ( !IsPlayerConnected( targetid ) ) )

    return SendClientMessage ( playerid , 0xFFFFFFFF , "Player is not connected!" ) ;[/pawn]

    Warnings : Linia 30562

    [pawn]GetPlayerPos ( targetid , Position [ 0 ] , Position [ 1 ] , Position [ 2 ] ) ;[/pawn]

    @97fresh - Imi da 10 Erori cu undefined cand le fac cu #Define imi da 26 -> Deci nui bun

  3. Imi da urmatoarele erori

    [pawn]C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(6089) : error 027: invalid character constant

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(6089) : error 027: invalid character constant

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30560) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30560 -- 30561) : warning 215: expression has no effect

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30561) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "return"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30561) : warning 217: loose indentation

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30563) : warning 225: unreachable code

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30563) : warning 217: loose indentation

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30563) : error 017: undefined symbol "Postion"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30563) : warning 215: expression has no effect

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30563) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30563) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\Chesti\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30563) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

    Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

    8 Errors.


    Va rog daca puteti sa ma ajutati .

  4. Faza este ca comanda /kick apartine de vechiul sistem strcmp

    Uite comanda :

    [pawn] if(strcmp(cmd, "/kick", true) == 0)




        tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);



    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""SI": /kick [playerid/PartOfName] [reason]");

    return 1;


    giveplayerid = ReturnUser(tmp);

    if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper] >= 5)




        if(giveplayerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)


        GetPlayerName(giveplayerid, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));

    GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));

    new length = strlen(cmdtext);

    while ((idx < length) && (cmdtext[idx] <= ' '))




    new offset = idx;

    new result[64];

    while ((idx < length) && ((idx - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))


    result[idx - offset] = cmdtext[idx];



    result[idx - offset] = EOS;



    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SI, "USAGE: /kick [playerid/PartOfName] [reason]");

    return 1;


    new y, m, d;

    new h, mi, s;



    format(string, sizeof(string), "[Data comenzii]: (%d-%d-%d). [Ora comenzii]: [%d:%d:%d]", d, m, y, h, mi, s);


    format(string, sizeof(string), "[Atentie]: %s a fost dat afara din joc de catre adminul: %s. Motiv: %s.", giveplayer, sendername, (result));


    format(string, sizeof(string), "[Atentie]: %s a fost dat afara din joc de catre adminul: %s. Motiv: %s.", giveplayer, sendername, (result));

    SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED, string);

    format(string, sizeof(string), " "WHITE"Azi (%d/%d/%d) la ora [%d:%d:%d]\n\n Ai primit /kick de la adminul "COLOR_Taxi"%s\n\n "WHITE"Motiv: "MF"%s\n\n "WHITE"Pentru reclamatii: "SI"http://www.six-gamings.tk", d, m, y, h, mi, s, sendername, (result));

    ShowPlayerDialog(giveplayerid, 26, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "SA:MP sixGaming", string, "OK", "Cancel");


    return 1;






    format(string, sizeof(string), "  %d is not an active player.", giveplayerid);

    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, string);



    return 1;


    Dar cand bag comanda /goto pe strcmp imi da urmatoarea eroare

    33cyro3.png .

    Uite si o comanda pe ZCMD , care este doar pentru admini :





        if(gPlayerLogged[playerid] != 0)


    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)


    if (GetPlayerState(playerid) == 2)


    new tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);

    SetVehiclePos(tmpcar, -1610.4578,725.2769,12.4253);

    TelePos[playerid][0] = 0.0;TelePos[playerid][1] = 0.0;


    else { SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1610.4578,725.2769,12.4253); }

    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""GRI3"You have been teleported to SFPD !");

    SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);

    SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);

    new Float:PosX, Float:PosY, Float:PosZ;

    GetPlayerPos(playerid, PosX, PosY, PosZ);

    GBPosX[playerid] = PosX;

    GBPosY[playerid] = PosY;

    GBPosZ[playerid] = PosZ;


    else return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""ALBASTRU2"Nu ai autorizatia sa folosesti aceasta comanda !");


    else return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""ALBASTRU2"Nu esti conectat !");


    return 1;


    Deci , se pare ca eu folosesc si ZCMD si strcmp.

  5. o poza ceva ?

    1.Nu inteleg ce poza iti trebe , el a explicat sus ca nu are permisiunea de a adauga acel plugins .

    2.Vorbeste cu cei de la gamepanel , sati verifice permisiuniile , iar doar dupa aceea incearca sa adaugi pluginul.

  6. Am adaugat [pawn]if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper] >= 1) [/pawn] si tot asa imi face , doar ca acm nu imi mai apare mesaju acela .

    Comanda intreaga care este acuma

    [pawn]CMD:goto( playerid, params[ ] )




    Float: fPos[ 3 ]


        if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper] >= 1)

    if( sscanf( params, "u", iPlayer ) )

    return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Syntax: /goto <playerid>" );

    if( iPlayer == 0xFFF )

    return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Invalid player ID" );


        GetPlayerPos( iPlayer, fPos[ 0 ], fPos[ 1 ], fPos[ 2 ] );

        SetPlayerPos( playerid, fPos[ 0 ], fPos[ 1 ], fPos[ 2 ] );


    return 1;


  7. 1.Daca nu ai rabdare sa iti raspunda cineva nu te voi mai ajuta, noi nu suntem roboti sa stam 24/24 dupa tine/altii.

    Imi pare foarte rau .

    Imi da urmatoarele erori si warninguri :

    [pawn]C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\pawno\include\morphinc.inc(5) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\pawno\include\morphinc.inc(5) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\pawno\include\morphinc.inc(5) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(4873) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(4873) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(4873) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(4890) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(4890) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(4890) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(4973) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(4973) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(4973) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(4989) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(4989) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(4989) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5072) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5072) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5072) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5088) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5088) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5088) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5171) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5171) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5171) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5187) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5187) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5187) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5270) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5270) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5270) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5286) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5286) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5286) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5369) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5369) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5369) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5385) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5385) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(5385) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(21152) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(29229) : warning 219: local variable "ID" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(29446) : warning 219: local variable "ID" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(29661) : warning 219: local variable "ID" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30333) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30333) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30333) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30391) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30391) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30391) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30477) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30477) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30477) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30549) : error 001: expected token: ")", but found "&"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30549) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "&"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30551) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30555) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30558) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30560) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30563) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30565) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30568) : error 021: symbol already defined: "GetPlayerPos"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30570) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30573) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30577) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(31866) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(33922) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(33945) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(33968) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(33991) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(34819) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(35636) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(35811) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(38268) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(38424) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(38482) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(38833) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39034) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39050) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39066) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39082) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39098) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39114) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39130) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39146) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39162) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39178) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39194) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39210) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39226) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39242) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39258) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39274) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39290) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39306) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39322) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39338) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39354) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39370) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39386) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39402) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39418) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(39434) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(40077) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(40133) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(40191) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(40585) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(40646) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(40685) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(40724) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(40763) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(41057) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(41403) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(41454) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(41521) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(41652) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(41704) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(41760) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(42122) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(42173) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(42891) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(42941) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(43718) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(44576) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(46858) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(46877) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(46896) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(46915) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(46934) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(46953) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(46972) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(46991) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47010) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47029) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47042) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47055) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47068) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47081) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47094) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47107) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47120) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47133) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47146) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47159) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47222) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47269) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47269) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47269) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(47326) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(48596) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(48820) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(48820) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(48820) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(50889) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(50889) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(50889) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(52870) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "ID"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(52870) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Str"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(52870) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "pGoto"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(52870) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "x"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(52870) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "y"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(52870) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "z"

    Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

    12 Errors.


  8. Pai dupa ce ai creat baza de date trebe sa ai asa ceva in gamemode [pawn]#define SQL_HOST "hostu gen localhost(daca ti servarul din PC tau)"

    #define SQL_USER "numele userul-ui care lai creat "

    #define SQL_DATA "numele data"

    #define SQL_PASS "parola de la user"[/pawn]

    Le completezi cu datele CORECTE! . Ti-am dat eu niste indicatii mai sus sper sa intelegi.

  9. Am si eu o problema : [pawn]CMD:goto(playerid, params[])




    new ID;

            new Str[64];

            if(sscanf(params, "u", ID)) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "USAGE: /goto [playerid]");

            else if(IsPlayerConnected(ID) == 0) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Player is not connected!");



                new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;

                GetPlayerPos(ID, x, y, z);

                SetPlayerPos(playerid, x+1, y+1, z);





            if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1)

    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You are not authorized to use that command!");


        return 1;


    Asa cand nu aveam acel [pawn]if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1)[/pawn] , imi zicea ca nu am permisiune la comanda , lam adaugat la compiler a fost totul Ok , dar cand intru in server si dau /goto nu se intampla  nimic deci pur si simplu dau /goto si nici macar nu apare nimika , nici num scrie ca aceasta comanda nu exista .

    Cred ca intelegeti care imi este problema.

    PS : Mentionez ca la compilare imi da 3 Warnings [pawn]C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30553) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Str"

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30553 -- 30564) : warning 217: loose indentation

    C:\Documents and Settings\RYder\Desktop\eGaming\Server\gamemodes\GMarea.pwn(30569) : warning 217: loose indentation[/pawn]


  10. Folosste modelul acesta :

    [pawn] if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 3 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 3)//National Guard spawn



        SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);

        SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1346.2050,492.3983,11.2027);

        PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] = 0;

        return 1;


    Inlocuieste cu setariile de baza , gen SetPlayerPos - setezi pozitia .

    Am vazut la codul tau ca ai acolo

    [pawn]GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 150);[/pawn]

    Adaugal si pe ala tot acolo .

  11. foloseste in loc de asta :

    [pawn]if(dialogid == SEX)[/pawn]

    pe asta :

    [pawn]if(dialogid == DIALOG_SEX)[/pawn]

    si schimba oriunde ai if(dialogid == SEX) schimbal cu DIALOG_SEX pentru ca asa ceva trebuie sa ai defenit in GM adica la


  12. simplu pui la fiecare culori adica :


    Uite aici niste culori :

    [pawn]{FFFFFF} - alb

    {FFFF00} - galben

    {FF66FF} - roz

    {FFCC00}- portocaliu

    {99FFFF} - albastru deschis

    {99FFCC} - verde inchis

    {66FF00} - verde deschis

    {FF0000} - rosu

    {9966FF} - mov

    {0049FF}- albastru inchis

    {336699} - negru[/pawn]

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