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Guest Alxxie


Pentru animatii este functia:

ApplyAnimation(playerid, animlib[], animname[], Float:fS, opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4, opt5)

playerid, animlib, animname si Float:fS stiu ce semnifica.

Dar ce inseamna(explicati-mi ce face fiecare):






P.S M-am uitat pe wiki.sa-mp.com dar nu am inteles...

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Guest Mariachi


Aplica o animatie unui player


(playerid, animlib[], animname[], Float:fS, opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4, opt5)

playerid The id of the player to apply the animation to.

opt1 Loop 0/1. Adica daca sa se repete sau sa fie o singura data.

opt2 This can be named LockX. This basically stores the player position when they perform an animation that requires them to move. When the animation is done, it puts them back to their original position before the animation started, if set to 0. Opposite effect if it's set to 1.

opt3 This can be named LockY. This basically stores the player position when they perform an animation that requires them to move. When the animation is done, it puts them back to their original position before the animation started, if set to 0. Opposite effect if it's set to 1.

opt4 Will freeze the player in the position the animation finishes.

opt5 Timer in millisecconds. For a never ending loop it should be 0.

Eu zic ca e pe intelesul tuturor, dar uite traducerea.

opt1 - 0/1. Daca vrei sa se repete sau sa fie o singura data.

opt2 - Cum zice si mai sus stocheaza X-ul playerului atunci cand acesta foloseste anim-ul. De ce ? Pentru ca in unele animuri playerul se deplaseaza de la locul initial.

opt3 - Stocheaza Y-ul playerului.

opt4 - Blocheaza playerul pe toata durata anim-ului.

opt5 - Durata anim-ului in milisecunde.

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