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Coamnda /admins pe LuxAdmin sa fie la level x cum fac?



Hi ^^

Cum pot face ca comanda /admins sa mearga sa fie accesata doar de jucatori cu level x (1 sau 2 sau 3 sau 4 sau 5 E.T.C.)

Pe Sistemul de Admin LuxAdmin

Uitati aici Comanda (dcmd_admins) /admins :



    #pragma unused params

        new count = 0;

        new string[128];

        new ChangeColor;

  SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " ");

        SendClientMessage(playerid, green, "___________ |- Online Admins -| ___________");

SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " ");

for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)


if (IsPlayerConnected(i))


if(AccInfo[Level] >= 2 && AccInfo[Hide] == 0)


if(AccInfo[Level] > 5)


AdmRank = "Professional Admin";

ChangeColor = Color_Professional_Admin;




  AdmRank = "RCON Administrator";

  ChangeColor = Color_RCON_Administrator;






case 1: {

AdmRank = "Basic Moderator";

ChangeColor = Color_Basic_Moderator;


case 2: {

AdmRank = "Moderator";

ChangeColor = Color_Moderator;


case 3: {

AdmRank = "Master Moderator";

ChangeColor = Color_Master_Moderator;


case 4: {

AdmRank = "Administrator";

ChangeColor = Color_Administrator;


case 5: {

AdmRank = "Master Administrator";

ChangeColor = Color_Master_Administrator;






case 0: AdmDuty = "Playing!";

case 1: AdmDuty = "On Duty!";


format(string, 128, "Level: %d - %s (Id:%i) | %s | %s",AccInfo[Level], PlayerName2(i),i,AdmRank,AdmDuty);

SendClientMessage(playerid, ChangeColor, string);





if (count == 0)

SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"No admin online in the list");

SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " _______________________________________");

return 1;



Multumesc anticipat

F*ck everybody who want and who try to judge me for who I am, b*star*s !



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5 answers to this question

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if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] >= 0)



in loc de 0 pui ce vrei u




      if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] >= 0)


        new count = 0;

        new string[128];

        new ChangeColor;

  SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " ");

        SendClientMessage(playerid, green, "___________ |- Online Admins -| ___________");

SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " ");

for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)


if (IsPlayerConnected(i))


if(AccInfo[Level] >= 2 && AccInfo[Hide] == 0)


if(AccInfo[Level] > 5)


AdmRank = "Professional Admin";

ChangeColor = Color_Professional_Admin;




  AdmRank = "RCON Administrator";

  ChangeColor = Color_RCON_Administrator;






case 1: {

AdmRank = "Basic Moderator";

ChangeColor = Color_Basic_Moderator;


case 2: {

AdmRank = "Moderator";

ChangeColor = Color_Moderator;


case 3: {

AdmRank = "Master Moderator";

ChangeColor = Color_Master_Moderator;


case 4: {

AdmRank = "Administrator";

ChangeColor = Color_Administrator;


case 5: {

AdmRank = "Master Administrator";

ChangeColor = Color_Master_Administrator;






case 0: AdmDuty = "Playing!";

case 1: AdmDuty = "On Duty!";


format(string, 128, "Level: %d - %s (Id:%i) | %s | %s",AccInfo[Level], PlayerName2(i),i,AdmRank,AdmDuty);

SendClientMessage(playerid, ChangeColor, string);





if (count == 0)

SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"No admin online in the list");

SendClientMessage(playerid, green, " _______________________________________");

return 1;


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Asta stiu si eu sa adaug

[pawn] if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] >= 0)


Nu ma gandeam ca va veni cineva si imi va spune la fel sa fac. Imi da 23 Warnuri o.O

F*ck everybody who want and who try to judge me for who I am, b*star*s !



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Nu conteaza daca sa le arate ca pe RSS sau nu, eu doresc ca comanda /admins sa nu mearga la jucatori doar la admini cu level 1 sau 2 sau 3 sau 4 sau 5. Am facut cum a spus @SonGoKu nu mere imi da un Warning il las in paci intru in joc scriu /admin scrie Nu sunt administratori online scrie normal cum trebuie. Si daca sterg acel Warning tot asa face.............

Cum am spus nu conteaza daca ii ca pe RSS sau nu.

F*ck everybody who want and who try to judge me for who I am, b*star*s !



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