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Imi apar o groaza de warninguri si tin sa mentionez ca am pragma o sa postez mai jos


#pragma disablerecursion
#pragma tabsize 0
#pragma dynamic 10000

#include <a_samp>
#include <a_mysql>
#include <streamer>
#include <foreach>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <getvcolor>
#include <mSelection>
#include <a_zones>
#include <socket>
#include <defnew>
#include <physics>


GM.pwn(1096) : loose indentation

warningurile astea sunt mai bine de 300 cred sunt o groza insa gm functioneaza doar e stresant atatea warninguri


Discord: BaDB0y#3017

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Acum 4 ore, BaDB0y95 a spus:

Imi apar o groaza de warninguri si tin sa mentionez ca am pragma o sa postez mai jos


#pragma disablerecursion
#pragma tabsize 0
#pragma dynamic 10000

#include <a_samp>
#include <a_mysql>
#include <streamer>
#include <foreach>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <getvcolor>
#include <mSelection>
#include <a_zones>
#include <socket>
#include <defnew>
#include <physics>


GM.pwn(1096) : loose indentation

warningurile astea sunt mai bine de 300 cred sunt o groza insa gm functioneaza doar e stresant atatea warninguri

Adauga -  #pragma warning disable 217 - undeva prin gm

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Discord : CosminAK47#8524

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