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Salut,stiti cumva ce "tables" trebuie facute la database?....

am un server pe mysql,si imi da asta in serverlog

[00:17:08] [MySQL] Error (0): Failed to exeute query. Table 'samp.chat' doesn't exist.
[00:17:19] [MySQL] Error (0): Failed to exeute query. Table 'samp.chat' doesn't exist.
[00:17:19] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when no prior successful query executed. Table 'samp.chat' doesn't exist.
[00:17:19] [MySQL] Error (0): Function: mysql_store_result called when no result stored. Table 'samp.chat' doesn't exist.
[00:17:19] [MySQL] Error (0): Failed to exeute query. Table 'samp.chat' doesn't exist.
[00:17:30] --- Server Shutting Down.
[00:17:30]    Evo Tuning System v0.6
[00:17:30]            Closed
[00:17:30]       Coded By:CLS Team
[00:17:30]  SA:MP MySQL Plugin v2.1.1 Unloaded.

Ce trebuie sa fac? cum aflu ce "tables" trebuie sa adaug?


4 answers to this question

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Guest PlayON

Evident, si eroarea iti da rezolvarea!

Failed to exeute query. Table 'samp.chat' doesn't exist.

'samp.chat' - Tabeul ASTA trebuie creat! fara ' '


Evident, si eroarea iti da rezolvarea!

Failed to exeute query. Table 'samp.chat' doesn't exist.

'samp.chat' - Tabeul ASTA trebuie creat! fara ' '

eu incerc sa'l adaug,dar imi tot da erori,zice ca e nume incorect,etc


Guest farse

mysql_query("CREATE TABLE `samp.chat` (id INT PRIMARY KEY,poster varchar(50),message varchar(125),php_sended INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)");


mysql_query("CREATE TABLE `samp.chat` (id INT PRIMARY KEY,poster varchar(50),message varchar(125),php_sended INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)");

farse,ma poti ajuta maine pe mess? te rog...

ma gasesti cam pe la ce ora,sa te astept?

lasa reply aici,sau zi-mi pe mess.

te rog

multumesc anticipat.


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