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Problema streamer !



Am facut tot din tutorial , am pus pe host tot xtreamer.so  , cand intru in server nu apare nici un obiect si imi spune asta la log sv:

[09:21:43] Server Plugins

[09:21:43] --------------

[09:21:43]  Loading plugin: xStreamer.so

[09:21:43]  Failed (plugins/xStreamer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

[09:21:43]  Loaded 0 plugins.

Ajutati-ma va rog !

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din cate observ ai hostul pe linux

In server.cfg la linia de plugins trebuie sa pui denumirea pluginul cum este in folderul plugins( adica daca are X mare punei X mare si tot asa) si la sfarsit adauga .so

Sa imi spui daca ai reusit:)

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