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Problema Teritorii war



Problemă întâlnită (descriere): Am incercat si inca incerc sa schimb teritoriile pe GM rRaptor, vreau sa le pun pe cele mari ca pe redz sau b-z****, am pus... dar cu toate astea imi arata doar numerele, si conturul, culoarea la turf e ca si cum nici nu le-am scos... 
Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): -
Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul: mai jos.
Imagini / Video (optional): http://imgur.com/0zXxtC3
Aţi încercat să rezolvaţi singur?: da... :| 

Cele dintre /* */ is cele vechi... si totusi apar


[pawn]//---------------------Turf-uri cu numere------------------------------------------
/* GangZoneCreateEx(163.0400, -1880.1450, 737.3487, -1760.6980, 1, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(736.9282, -1759.7719, 933.0042, -1507.4467, 2, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(933.5905, -1506.8439, 1111.4851, -1320.6239, 3, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1114.9269, -1319.5537, 1339.2557, -1250.1549, 4, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1343.3741, -1245.0864, 1525.5844, -1118.8281, 5, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(931.7918, -1749.7734, 1111.1753, -1502.4296, 6, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(165.5893, -1761.9724, 403.7011, -1477.0059, 7, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(404.9477, -1756.8795, 734.7313, -1514.0535, 8, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1114.1710, -1743.1848, 1478.4146, -1504.9559, 9, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1442.6987, -1496.8384, 1736.8784, -1241.5574, 10, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1115.4885, -1505.7244, 1337.4388, -1316.7234, 11, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1335.8145, -1502.6924, 1443.2617, -1250.3501, 12, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1483.0841, -1739.5078, 2001.0739, -1501.5098, 13, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(408.3095, -1514.0892, 632.6430, -1206.0892, 14, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(637.4127, -1509.5848, 931.7449, -1145.6276, 15, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(934.5386, -1317.3862, 1116.7981, -953.1761, 16, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1735.8916, -1497.6073, 2072.1785, -1103.6862, 17, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1118.7158, -1251.8785, 1342.7725, -958.2072, 18, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(167.0726, -1473.8569, 409.9028, -1206.5942, 19, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1346.6598, -1115.8237, 1542.8467, -961.5474, 20, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1140.4087, -2130.0105, 1452.4508, -1740.0950, 21, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(978.7590, 857.5315, 1515.7550, 1221.9385, 22, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(977.1696, 1214.6228, 1483.1697, 1840.3572, 23, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1519.8223, 864.2476, 2364.5881, 1227.1016, 24, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(981.7139, 1842.2311, 1919.9349, 2566.5667, 25, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1485.3845, 1225.5774, 1922.1421, 1841.7742, 26, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1924.2404, 1228.4807, 2370.3345, 2551.1567, 27, 0.8);*/
GangZoneCreateEx(114.21, -1364.93, 506.54, -912.91, 1, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(506.54, -1364.93, 899.25, -912.91, 2, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(899.25, -1313.70, 1313.58, -912.91, 3, 0.8);
GangZoneCreateEx(1313.58, -1364.93, 1727.49, -912.91, 4, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1727.49, -1364.93, 2108.13, -912.91, 5, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2108.13, -1364.93, 2499.38, -912.91, 6, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2499.38, -1313.70, 2916.17, -912.91, 7, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(114.21, -1821.03, 506.54, -1364.93, 8, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(506.54, -1821.03, 899.25, -1364.93, 9, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(899.25, -1721.90, 1313.58, -1313.70, 10, 1.0); //10
GangZoneCreateEx(1313.58, -1821.03, 1727.49, -1364.93, 11, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1727.49, -1821.03, 2108.13, -1364.93, 12, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2108.13, -1821.03, 2499.38, -1364.93, 13, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2499.38, -1737.65, 2916.17, -1313.70, 14, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(899.25, -2131.32, 1313.58, -1721.90, 15, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(899.25, -2489.99, 1313.58, -2131.32, 16, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1313.58, -2250.92, 1727.49, -1821.03, 17, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1727.49, -2250.92, 2108.13, -1821.03, 18, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2108.13, -2250.92, 2499.38, -1821.03, 19, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2499.38, -2172.41, 2916.17, -1737.65, 20, 1.0); //20
GangZoneCreateEx(1313.58, -2690.47, 1727.49, -2250.92, 21, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1727.49, -2690.47, 2108.13, -2250.92, 22, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2108.13, -2690.47, 2499.38, -2250.92, 23, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2499.38, -2567.91, 2916.17, -2172.41, 24, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1114.47, 2444.49, 1478.16, 2901.03, 25, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1478.16, 2444.49, 1828.16, 2901.03, 26, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1828.16, 2444.49, 2150.16, 2901.03, 27, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2150.16, 2444.49, 2528.16, 2901.03, 28, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2528.16, 2444.49, 2878.16, 2901.03, 29, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(901.16, 1980.34, 1307.16, 2444.49, 30, 1.0); //30
GangZoneCreateEx(1307.16, 1980.34, 1677.16, 2444.49, 31, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1677.16, 1980.34, 2076.16, 2444.49, 32, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2076.16, 1980.34, 2482.00, 2444.49, 33, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2482.00, 1980.34, 2878.16, 2444.49, 34, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(901.16, 1528.09, 1307.16, 1980.34, 35, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1307.16, 1528.09, 1677.16, 1980.34, 36, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1677.16, 1528.09, 2076.16, 1980.34, 37, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2076.16, 1528.09, 2482.00, 1980.34, 38, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2482.00, 1528.09, 2878.16, 1980.34, 39, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(901.16, 1074.90, 1307.16, 1528.09, 40, 1.0);//40
GangZoneCreateEx(1307.16, 1074.90, 1677.16, 1528.09, 41, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1677.16, 1074.90, 2076.16, 1528.09, 42, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2076.16, 1074.90, 2482.00, 1528.09, 43, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2482.00, 1074.90, 2878.16, 1528.09, 44, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1307.16, 663.83, 1677.16, 1074.90, 45, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(1677.16, 663.83, 2076.16, 1074.90, 46, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2076.16, 663.83, 2482.00, 1074.90, 47, 1.0);
GangZoneCreateEx(2482.00, 663.83, 2878.16, 1074.90, 48, 1.0);//48[/pawn]


Am gasit problema... teritoriile sunt in baza de date


1 teritoriu e 

[pawn]INSERT INTO `teritorii` (`Id`, `Owner`, `Owned`, `Time`, `PozX1`, `PozY1`, `PozX2`, `PozY2`, `PozX3`, `PozY3`, `PozZ3`) VALUES

(1, '', 11, 16, '163.0400', '-1880.1450', '737.3487', '-1760.6980', '455.9352', '-1828.3522', '5.0931'),[/pawn]


Iar eu am coordonatele astea :

[pawn]114.21, -1364.93, 506.54, -912.91[/pawn]



Cum fac un teritoriu cu coordonatele mele ?



edit : Am rezolvat pana sa raspunda cineva,  in baza de date, este XYZ si de la pozitia pickup-ului unde dai /war.   

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