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TextDraw - GTA San Andreas MP


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Un TextDraw.. nu prea folositor, dar mi se pare frumos..

L-am facut ca imi place sa fac TextDraw-uri..si pentru ca ma plictiseam :P

ScreenShot: Fx45XsT.png


[pawn]GTA[13] = TextDrawCreate(400.000000, 380.000000, "R");

TextDrawAlignment(GTA[13], 2);

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[13], 255);

TextDrawFont(GTA[13], 2);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[13], 0.989999, 3.400000);

TextDrawColor(GTA[13], 170);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[13], 0);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[13], 1);

TextDrawSetShadow(GTA[13], 0);

TextDrawUseBox(GTA[13], 1);

TextDrawBoxColor(GTA[13], -559147930);

TextDrawTextSize(GTA[13], 0.000000, -47.000000);

GTA[12] = TextDrawCreate(413.000000, 399.000000, "]");

TextDrawAlignment(GTA[12], 2);

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[12], 34);

TextDrawFont(GTA[12], 0);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[12], 0.539999, 1.599995);

TextDrawColor(GTA[12], -86);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[12], 0);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[12], 1);

TextDrawSetShadow(GTA[12], 0);

GTA[11] = TextDrawCreate(472.000000, 376.000000, "Rockstar");

TextDrawAlignment(GTA[11], 2);

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[11], 255);

TextDrawFont(GTA[11], 1);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[11], 0.689999, 2.499998);

TextDrawColor(GTA[11], -1778384982);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[11], 0);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[11], 1);

TextDrawSetShadow(GTA[11], 0);

GTA[10] = TextDrawCreate(470.000000, 393.000000, "Games");

TextDrawAlignment(GTA[10], 2);

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[10], 255);

TextDrawFont(GTA[10], 1);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[10], 0.869999, 2.199999);

TextDrawColor(GTA[10], -1778384982);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[10], 0);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[10], 1);

TextDrawSetShadow(GTA[10], 0);

GTA[9] = TextDrawCreate(321.000000, -7.000000, "_");

TextDrawAlignment(GTA[9], 2);

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[9], 255);

TextDrawFont(GTA[9], 3);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[9], 2.999999, 51.000000);

TextDrawColor(GTA[9], -1);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[9], 0);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[9], 1);

TextDrawSetShadow(GTA[9], 1);

TextDrawUseBox(GTA[9], 1);

TextDrawBoxColor(GTA[9], 102);

TextDrawTextSize(GTA[9], 0.000000, -670.000000);

GTA[8] = TextDrawCreate(353.000000, 412.000000, "A");

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[8], 255);

TextDrawFont(GTA[8], 1);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[8], 0.750000, 2.200000);

TextDrawColor(GTA[8], -205);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[8], 0);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[8], 1);

TextDrawSetShadow(GTA[8], 0);

GTA[7] = TextDrawCreate(524.000000, 410.000000, "production");

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[7], 255);

TextDrawFont(GTA[7], 1);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[7], 0.549999, 2.200000);

TextDrawColor(GTA[7], -205);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[7], 0);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[7], 1);

TextDrawSetShadow(GTA[7], 0);

GTA[6] = TextDrawCreate(530.000000, 114.000000, "grand");

TextDrawAlignment(GTA[6], 2);

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[6], 255);

TextDrawFont(GTA[6], 3);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[6], 1.410000, 2.500000);

TextDrawColor(GTA[6], -69);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[6], 1);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[6], 1);

GTA[5] = TextDrawCreate(548.000000, 135.000000, "theft");

TextDrawAlignment(GTA[5], 2);

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[5], 255);

TextDrawFont(GTA[5], 3);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[5], 1.410000, 2.500000);

TextDrawColor(GTA[5], -69);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[5], 1);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[5], 1);

GTA[4] = TextDrawCreate(527.000000, 153.000000, "auto");

TextDrawAlignment(GTA[4], 2);

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[4], 255);

TextDrawFont(GTA[4], 3);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[4], 1.410000, 2.500000);

TextDrawColor(GTA[4], -69);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[4], 1);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[4], 1);

GTA[3] = TextDrawCreate(533.000000, 173.000000, "SanAndreas");

TextDrawAlignment(GTA[3], 2);

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[3], -86);

TextDrawFont(GTA[3], 0);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[3], 1.330000, 3.499999);

TextDrawColor(GTA[3], 221);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[3], 1);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[3], 1);

GTA[2] = TextDrawCreate(533.000000, 209.000000, "] Multiplayer ]");

TextDrawAlignment(GTA[2], 2);

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[2], -86);

TextDrawFont(GTA[2], 0);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[2], 0.870000, 2.499999);

TextDrawColor(GTA[2], 221);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[2], 1);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[2], 1);

GTA[1] = TextDrawCreate(535.000000, 237.000000, "( Thanks Kalcor )");

TextDrawAlignment(GTA[1], 2);

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[1], -239);

TextDrawFont(GTA[1], 1);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[1], 0.420000, 1.300000);

TextDrawColor(GTA[1], 119);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[1], 1);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[1], 1);

GTA[0] = TextDrawCreate(66.000000, 435.000000, "© SA-MP.RO");

TextDrawAlignment(GTA[0], 2);

TextDrawBackgroundColor(GTA[0], 170);

TextDrawFont(GTA[0], 1);

TextDrawLetterSize(GTA[0], 0.519999, 1.400000);

TextDrawColor(GTA[0], -52);

TextDrawSetOutline(GTA[0], 1);

TextDrawSetProportional(GTA[0], 1);[/pawn]

P.S. Poza editat pentru a nu se considera reclama.

P.S.S. Pentru cei care nu cred ca e munca mea ii rog sa aiba intai o dovada! Daca e necesar pun si fisierul .tde

Nu mai deschideti in pu*a mea servere de SA:MP !

Jucati-va pe cele care sunt !   Sunt suficiente !

Reguli de bun simt:

1. Nu faceti reclama unde nu trebuie !

2. Nu injurati ca la usa cortului !

3. Daca esti analfabeti, taci din gura !

4. Nu abuza de 'scuze', 'din greseala' !


My work ::: http://pastebin.com/VRNRcaAs

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