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Problema baza de date la serverul SRF



Buna ziua SA-MP.RO , am si eu o eroare care imi apare cand doresc sa importez bazadedate.sql . Baza de date este de la serverul SRF care l-a postat DarkSone . Uitati eroarea care mi-o da :

[pawn]Comanda SQL:

-- -- ContDeTeste -- INSERT INTO `players` (` id`, `username`, `password`, `Level`, `AdminLevel`, `DonateRank`, `UpgradePoints`, `ConnectedTime`, `Registered`, `Sex`, `Age`, `Origin`, `CK`, `Muted`, `Respect`, `Money`, `Bank`, `Crimes`, `Kills`, `Deaths`, `Arrested`, `WantedDeaths`, `Phonebook`, `LottoNr`, `Fishes`, `BiggestFish`, `Job`, `Job1`, `Paycheck`, `HeadValue`, `Jailed`, `JailTime`, `Materials`, `Drugs`, `Leader`, `Member`, `FMember`, `iRank`, `iChar`, `ContractTime`, `DetSkill`, `SexSkill`, `BoxSkill`, `LawSkill`, `MechSkill`, `JackSkill`, `CarSkill`, `NewsSkill`, `DrugsSkill`, `CookSkill`, `FishSkill`, `SHealth`, `Health`, `iInt`, `iLocal`, `Team`, `Model`, `PhoneNr`, `House`, `Bizz`, `Pos_x`, `Pos_y`, `Pos_z`, `CarLic`, `FlyLic`, `BoatLic`, `FishLic`, `GunLic`, `Gun1`, `Gun2`, `Gun3`, `Gun4`, `Ammo1`, `Ammo2`, `Ammo3`, `Ammo4`, `CarTime`, `PayDay`, `PayDayHad`, `CDPlayer`, `Wins`, `Loses`, `AlcoholPerk`, `DrugPerk`, `MiserPerk`, `PainPerk`, `TraderPerk`, `Tutorial`, `Mis[...]

MySQL zice:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vehicles` (

  `CarID` int(24) NOT NULL,

  `Model` in' at line 14 [/pawn]

S-ar putea daca va rog sa imi dati o alta baza de date ? Sau sa imi ziceti cam ce ar trebui sa fac . Multumesc .

Invat ca sa Invat.

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Intr-adevar noi am curatat " Baza de Date " , posibil sa fii gresit noi sau tu ceva.

Iti dau prima noastra DataBase in care include contul lui Reachless, etcetera si toate masinile:



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Rareori ne gândim la ceea ce avem, dar mereu la ceea ce ne lipseşte

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