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Samp Alin

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Posts posted by Samp Alin

  1. C:\Users\fodor\Desktop\Union-Zone\gamemodes\gamemode.pwn(11) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "md5"

    Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664              Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

    1 Error.

  2. La 10.02.2021 la 11:37, David2k a spus:

    Salut, ma cheama David, la acest gamemode deoarece este versiunea 0.2 nu am muncit foarte mult, dar am muncit in mai putin timp mai mult decat pe v0.1 . Am inceput sa lucrez la gamemode de pe 23 Decembrie 2020, si la aceasta versiune de cateva zile. Au fost rezolvate cateva probleme, si adaugate cateva chestii.

    - Unele buguri au fost rezolvate.
    - A fost scoasa comanda [/bonus].
    - Adaugate factiuniile Yango si SFPD.
    - Dealership mutat in zona unde este si pe b-hood.
    - Adaugata comanda [/addstockplus] ca pe b-hood.
    - Voice-Chat a fost adaugat (bonus), puteti folosi si voice-ul de pe serverul lui era.
    - Adaugat stage 4.
    - Sistem de Reborn decat ca il poti cumpara folosind comanda [/buyreborn].
    - Premium Plus cumperi cu comanda [/buypremiumplus] (o sa fie in v0.3 adaugat in /shop daca nu uit.)
    - Adaugat Corona Time ca pe b-hood. Masca care o cumperi odata la conectare cu [/buymask].
    - Job-ul fish a fost mutat ca pe B-Hood.

    Cam atat in versiunea asta, astept sugestii pentru versiunea a treia.

    P.S: parola de la incarcare este skemaionel1, si parola de dupa conectare e tot skemaionel1.

    Poze: https://imgur.com/a/PBGaXWJ

    Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1sl887a2gy1lqcy/for+sa-mp.ro+v0.2.rar/file

    Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/3c46dacf5b508b10ec311c61f72fe74f310a2c9df32cd4618493f01a6212db0d/detection

    Baza de date (acea din for sa-mp.ro v0.2.rar) nu este cea recenta, este cea din v0.1...: https://www24.zippyshare.com/v/GlHJc1Bg/file.html


    Versiunea 0.3 va fii lansata cred ca tot luna asta sau in martie ca vreau sa fac updateuri mai mari.

    C:\Users\fodor\Desktop\hpq\gamemodes\rpg1_bhood.pwn(10) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "AutoAFK"
    helpppp pls

  3. La 27.12.2017 la 5:40, xView a spus:

    Salut, m-am gandit sa postez un tutorial cu acest sistem.

    Ca sa nu o mai lungim creem un simplu filescript si pastam codul:

    /* Dynamic Apartment System
    |=============[v0.1 - 3.3.2012]============|
    -Making the whole FS (with breaks)
    Commands: /setapartment(rcon) | /aptel (rcon) | /apedit price/level/int| /buyapartment | /sellapartment |/apartment lock [any number] |info [any number] |takemoney [value] |putmoney [value]| /aphelp | /changespawn | /reapartment
    |=============[v0.1 R1]============|
    -Fixed bug with /setapartment and problem with interior
    |=============[v0.2 - 07.3.2012]============|
    -fixed bug with deposit/withdraw money in apartment with same interior | fixed bug with money in apartment (with minus)
    -Added level on buying apartment
    -From now you'll spawn in apartment, you can change it with /changespawn
    -Now when you'r setting apartment it'll set random interior
    -Now you can in game edit price,level, furniture(int)....
    -Saving system switched from dini to y_ini (credits to gagi) and now all commands is like one (example: in the past it was be /lock or /sinfo, now it is all in one, like /apartment [some_part] [ ] [ ])
    Translating this to english, sorry if there are mistakes, my english is bad...
    #define FILTERSCRIPT
    #include <a_samp>
    #include <float>
    #include <zcmd>
    #include <foreach>
    #include <YSI/y_ini>
    #include <Streamer>
    #include <sscanf2>
    #define YELLOW 0xDABB3EAA
    #define WHITE 0xFFFFFFAA
    #define RED 0xFF0000FF
    #define GREY 0xBFC0C2FF
    #define PRESSED(%0) \
    	(((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0)) && ((oldkeys & (%0)) != (%0)))
    #define randomEx(%0,%1)             (random((%1) - (%0)) + (%0)) // i saw this from my friend Gagi_Corleone(Mr.Gagi)
    #define MaxApartments 500
    enum Apartments
    new ApartmentInfo[MaxApartments][Apartments];
    new InApartment[MAX_PLAYERS]; // checking is player in apartment
    new ApartmentPickup[sizeof(ApartmentInfo)]; // apartment pickup
    new Text3D:ApartmentLabel[sizeof(ApartmentInfo)]; // 3d text in front of door
    new plname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // checking player name
    new randomINT;
    public OnFilterScriptInit()
    	print(" Dynamic Apartment System by: Maki187 (Marko_Dimitrijevic)");
    	print(" Dynamic Apartment System v0.2");
    	print(" Balkan Rising - www.balkan-rising.info");
    	print(" Alfa Games - www.alfa-gaming.info");
    	print(" -------------[FRIENDS]------------");
    	print(" Bestbalkandj.com - www.bestbalkandj.com");
    	print(" Serbian Warez - www.serbian-warez.in.rs");
    	new string[828];
    	for(new s = 0; s < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); s++)
     		new gFile[35];
    		format(gFile, 35, "Apartments/%d.ini" ,s);
    		INI_ParseFile(gFile, "LoadApartments", .bExtra = true, .extra = s);
    	    if(ApartmentInfo[s][sCreated] == 1)
    	 		if(ApartmentInfo[s][sOwned] == 0)
    	 			format(string,sizeof(string),"{458B00}For Sale! \n {458B00}Adress: {FFFFFF}%d \n {458B00}Price: {FFFFFF}$%d\n {458B00}Level: {FFFFFF}%d \n {458B00}Description: {FFFFFF}%s",ApartmentInfo[s][sWorld], ApartmentInfo[s][sPrice],ApartmentInfo[s][sLevel], ApartmentInfo[s][sDescription]);
    				ApartmentLabel[s] = Create3DTextLabel(string ,0x00FF00AA,ApartmentInfo[s][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[s][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[s][sEnterz],25, 0, 1);
    				ApartmentPickup[s] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 1, ApartmentInfo[s][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[s][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[s][sEnterz]);
    			if(ApartmentInfo[s][sOwned] == 1)
    				format(string,sizeof(string)," {458B00}Owner: {FFFFFF}%s \n {458B00}Adress: {FFFFFF}%d \n {458B00}Description: {FFFFFF}%s",ApartmentInfo[s][sOwner],ApartmentInfo[s][sWorld], ApartmentInfo[s][sDescription]);
    				ApartmentLabel[s] = Create3DTextLabel(string ,0x00FFFFAA,ApartmentInfo[s][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[s][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[s][sEnterz],25, 0, 1);
    				ApartmentPickup[s] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 1, ApartmentInfo[s][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[s][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[s][sEnterz]);
    	return 1;
    public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
        	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); i++)
    			if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3,ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[i][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterz]))
    			    GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));
    				if(ApartmentInfo[i][sLocked] == 0|| strcmp(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], plname, false ) == 0)
    					SetPlayerInterior(playerid,ApartmentInfo[i][sInt]); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid,ApartmentInfo[i][sWorld]);
    					InApartment[playerid] = i;
    					GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Locked", 5000, 1);
    					return 1;
    		if(InApartment[playerid] != MaxApartments+1)
    			new i = InApartment[playerid];
    			if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3,ApartmentInfo[i][sExitx], ApartmentInfo[i][sExity], ApartmentInfo[i][sExitz]))
    				SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid,0);
    				InApartment[playerid] = MaxApartments+1;
    				return 1;
    	return 1;
    public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); i++)
    	    GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));
    		if(strcmp(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], plname, false ) == 0 && ApartmentInfo[i][sSpawn] == 1)
    		    SetPlayerPos(playerid, ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterx],ApartmentInfo[i][sEntery],ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterz]);
    	return 1;
    public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
        SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "This server use Dynamic Apartment System by: Maki187 (Marko_Dimitrijevic)");
    	return 1;
    stock SaveApartment(idstana)
    	new dFile[128];
    	format(dFile, sizeof(dFile),"Apartments/%d.ini",idstana);
    	INI:File = INI_Open(dFile);
    	INI_WriteFloat(File, "Enter_X",ApartmentInfo[idstana][sEnterx]);
    	INI_WriteFloat(File, "Enter_Y", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sEntery]);
    	INI_WriteFloat(File, "Enter_Z",ApartmentInfo[idstana][sEnterz]);
    	INI_WriteFloat(File, "Exit_X", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sExitx]);
    	INI_WriteFloat(File, "Exit_Y", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sExity]);
    	INI_WriteFloat(File, "Exit_Z", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sExitz]);
    	INI_WriteString(File, "Owner", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sOwner]);
    	INI_WriteString(File, "Description", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sDescription]);
    	INI_WriteInt(File, "Owned", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sOwned]);
    	INI_WriteInt(File, "Created", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sCreated]);
    	INI_WriteInt(File, "Locked", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sLocked]);
    	INI_WriteInt(File, "Money", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sMoney]);
    	INI_WriteInt(File, "Price", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sPrice]);
    	INI_WriteInt(File, "World", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sWorld]);
    	INI_WriteString(File, "Message", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sMessage]);
    	INI_WriteInt(File, "Int", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sInt]);
    	INI_WriteInt(File, "Level", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sLevel]);
    	INI_WriteInt(File, "Spawn", ApartmentInfo[idstana][sSpawn]);
    forward LoadApartments(idstana, name[], value[]);
    public LoadApartments(idstana, name[], value[])
    		return 1;
    stock LabelIPickup(idstana)
        new string[828];
    	if(ApartmentInfo[idstana][sOwned] == 0)
    		format(string,sizeof(string),"{458B00}For Sale! \n {458B00}Adress: {FFFFFF}%d \n {458B00}Price: {FFFFFF}$%d\n {458B00}Level: {FFFFFF}%d \n {458B00}Description: {FFFFFF}%s",ApartmentInfo[idstana][sWorld], ApartmentInfo[idstana][sPrice],ApartmentInfo[idstana][sLevel], ApartmentInfo[idstana][sDescription]);
    		ApartmentLabel[idstana] = Create3DTextLabel(string ,0x00FF00AA,ApartmentInfo[idstana][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[idstana][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[idstana][sEnterz],25, 0, 1);
    	if(ApartmentInfo[idstana][sOwned] == 1)
    		format(string,sizeof(string),"{458B00}Owner: {FFFFFF}%s \n {458B00}Adress: {FFFFFF}%d \n {458B00}Description: {FFFFFF}%s",ApartmentInfo[idstana][sOwner],ApartmentInfo[idstana][sWorld], ApartmentInfo[idstana][sDescription]);
    		ApartmentLabel[idstana] = Create3DTextLabel(string ,0x00FFFFAA,ApartmentInfo[idstana][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[idstana][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[idstana][sEnterz],25, 0, 1);
    	ApartmentPickup[idstana] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 1, ApartmentInfo[idstana][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[idstana][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[idstana][sEnterz]);
    CMD:apartment(playerid, params[]) // main commands
        new text[48]; new novac;// novac = money
        if(sscanf(params, "s[48]i",text , novac))
            SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "HELP: /apartment info [ ] | lock [ ] | takemoney [value] | putmoney [value]");
            return 1;
        if(strcmp(text,"info",true) == 0) // apartment info.
        	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); i++)
    	    	new string[500];
        		if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10,ApartmentInfo[i][sExitx], ApartmentInfo[i][sExity], ApartmentInfo[i][sExitz]) && strcmp(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], plname, false ) == 0)
    		    	SendClientMessage(playerid, YELLOW, "|========================================|");
    				if(ApartmentInfo[i][sLocked] == 1)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "Locked: Yes");
    				if(ApartmentInfo[i][sLocked] == 0)
    					SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "Locked: No");
    				format(string, sizeof(string), "Money in safe: %d $", ApartmentInfo[i][sMoney]);
    				SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, string);
    				format(string, sizeof(string), "Apartment Price: %d $", ApartmentInfo[i][sPrice]);
    				SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, string);
    				SendClientMessage(playerid, YELLOW, "|========================================|");
    				return 1;
    		return 1;
        if(strcmp(text,"lock",true) == 0) // lock/unlock apartment
        	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); i++)
    			if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3,ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[i][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterz]) && InApartment[playerid] == 501)
    				GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));
    				if(strcmp(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], plname, false ) == 0)
    			    	if(ApartmentInfo[i][sLocked] == 1)
    			        	GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Unlocked", 5000, 6);
    			        	ApartmentInfo[i][sLocked] = 0;
    			        	return 1;
    			    	if(ApartmentInfo[i][sLocked] == 0)
    			        	GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Locked", 5000, 6);
    			        	ApartmentInfo[i][sLocked] = 1;
    			        	return 1;
    			if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 25,ApartmentInfo[i][sExitx], ApartmentInfo[i][sExity], ApartmentInfo[i][sExitz]))
    				if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3,ApartmentInfo[i][sExitx], ApartmentInfo[i][sExity], ApartmentInfo[i][sExitz]) && InApartment[playerid] != 501)
    					GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));
    					if(strcmp(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], plname, false ) == 0)
    			    		if(ApartmentInfo[i][sLocked] == 1)
    			        		GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Unlocked", 5000, 6);
    			        		ApartmentInfo[i][sLocked] = 0;
    			        		return 1;
    			    		if(ApartmentInfo[i][sLocked] == 0)
    			        		GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Locked", 5000, 6);
    			        		ApartmentInfo[i][sLocked] = 1;
    			        		return 1;
    				else { SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE,"You are not in front of doors."); return 1; }
    		return 1;
        if(strcmp(text,"putmoney",true) == 0) // taking money from safe
      	 	new string[128];
      	 	if(novac < 0) { return 1; }
        	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); i++)
    	    	GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));
    			if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10,ApartmentInfo[i][sExitx], ApartmentInfo[i][sExity], ApartmentInfo[i][sExitz]) && strcmp(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], plname, false ) == 0 && GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == ApartmentInfo[i][sWorld])
    		    	if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= novac)
    					ApartmentInfo[i][sMoney] += novac;
    					format(string, sizeof(string), "You have put %d $ in safe, now you have: %d", novac, ApartmentInfo[i][sMoney]);
    					SendClientMessage(playerid, YELLOW, string);
    					return 1;
    				else { SendClientMessage(playerid,GREY,"You don't have enoguht money!"); return 1; }
    		return 1;
    	if(strcmp(text,"takemoney",true) == 0) // puting money in safe
        	new string[128];
        	if(novac < 0) { return 1; }
        	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); i++)
    	    	GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));
    			if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10,ApartmentInfo[i][sExitx], ApartmentInfo[i][sExity], ApartmentInfo[i][sExitz]) && strcmp(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], plname, false ) == 0 && GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == ApartmentInfo[i][sWorld])
    		    	if(ApartmentInfo[i][sMoney] >= novac)
    					ApartmentInfo[i][sMoney] -= novac;
    					format(string, sizeof(string), "You have take %d $ from safe, now you have: %d $", novac, ApartmentInfo[i][sMoney]);
    					SendClientMessage(playerid, YELLOW, string);
    					return 1;
    				else { SendClientMessage(playerid,GREY,"You don't have enoguht money!"); return 1; }
    		return 1;
    	return 1;
    CMD:buyapartment(playerid, params[]) // cmd to buy apartment
        for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); i++)
    	    GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));
    	    if(strcmp(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], plname, false ) == 0)
    	        SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "You alerdy have apartment!");
    	        return 1;
    		if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3,ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[i][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterz]) && ApartmentInfo[i][sOwned] == 0)
        		if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) > ApartmentInfo[i][sPrice])
    			    if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) >= ApartmentInfo[i][sLevel])
    			    	strmid(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], plname, 0, strlen(plname), 255);
    			    	ApartmentInfo[i][sOwned] = 1;
    			    	SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "Congratz on new apartment, type /aphelp to see all commands!");
    			    	strmid(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], plname, 0, strlen(plname), 255);
    					return 1;
    				else { SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, "Your level is too low!"); return 1; }
    			else { SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, "You don't have enough't money!"); return 1; }
    	return 1;
    CMD:sellapartment(playerid, params[]) // selling apartment
        for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); i++)
    	    GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));
    		if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3,ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[i][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterz]) && strcmp(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], plname, false ) == 0)
    			strmid(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], "State", 0, strlen("State"), 255);
    			ApartmentInfo[i][sOwned] = 0;
    			ApartmentInfo[i][sLocked] = 1;
    			SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "You have sold you apartment!");
    			return 1;
    	return 1;
    CMD:changespawn(playerid, params[]) // change spawn
        for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); i++)
    	    GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));
    		if(strcmp(ApartmentInfo[i][sOwner], plname, false ) == 0)
    		    if(ApartmentInfo[i][sSpawn] == 1)
    				ApartmentInfo[i][sSpawn] = 0;
    				SendClientMessage(playerid, YELLOW, "Now you will not spawn in apartment.");
    				return 1;
    			if(ApartmentInfo[i][sSpawn] == 0)
    				ApartmentInfo[i][sSpawn] = 1;
    				SendClientMessage(playerid, YELLOW, "From now, you will spawn in apartment!");
    				return 1;
    			return 1;
    	return 1;
    CMD:aphelp(playerid, params[]) // list of all commands
    		SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "Admin Commands: /setapartment | /aptel | /reapartment | /apedit");
    	SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "User Commands: /buyapartment | /sellapartment | /changespawn");
    	SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "User Commands: /apartment info [any number] | lock [any number]| putmoney [value] | takemoney [value]");
    	return 1;
    //======================[ADMIN CMD]=============================
    CMD:setapartment(playerid, params[]) // making apartment (ONLY RCON)
        	new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z; new string[828]; new apid = 0;
    		GetPlayerPos(playerid, X,Y,Z);
    		for(new s = 0; s < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); s++)
    		    if(ApartmentInfo[s][sCreated] == 1)
    				apid = s + 1;
    		ApartmentInfo[apid][sEnterx] = X;
    		ApartmentInfo[apid][sEntery] = Y;
    		ApartmentInfo[apid][sEnterz] = Z;
    		ApartmentInfo[apid][sOwned] = 0;
    		ApartmentInfo[apid][sCreated] = 1;
    		ApartmentInfo[apid][sLocked] = 1;
    		ApartmentInfo[apid][sSpawn] = 1;
    		ApartmentInfo[apid][sWorld] = apid;
    		randomINT = randomEx(1,6); // random number from 1 to 5
    		if(randomINT == 1)
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExitx] = 225.756989;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExity] = 1240.000000;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExitz] = 1082.149902;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sInt] = 2;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sPrice] = 37000;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sLevel] = 1;
    		if(randomINT == 2)
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExitx] = 260.983978;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExity] = 1286.549927;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExitz] = 1080.299927;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sInt] = 4;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sPrice] = 38000;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sLevel] = 2;
    		if(randomINT == 3)
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExitx] = 385.803986;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExity] = 1471.769897;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExitz] = 1080.209961;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sInt] = 15;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sPrice] = 39000;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sLevel] = 3;
    		if(randomINT == 4)
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExitx] = -42.4992;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExity] = 1406.0690;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExitz] = 1084.4297;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sInt] = 8;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sPrice] = 40000;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sLevel] = 4;
    		if(randomINT == 5)
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExitx] = 446.5014;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExity] = 507.0295;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sExitz] = 1001.4195;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sInt] = 12;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sPrice] = 41000;
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sLevel] = 5;
    		format(string,sizeof(string),"{458B00}For Sale! \n {458B00}Adress: {FFFFFF}%d \n {458B00}Price: {FFFFFF}$%d\n {458B00}Level: {FFFFFF}%d \n {458B00}Description: {FFFFFF}%s",ApartmentInfo[apid][sWorld], ApartmentInfo[apid][sPrice],ApartmentInfo[apid][sLevel], ApartmentInfo[apid][sDescription]);
    		ApartmentLabel[apid] = Create3DTextLabel(string ,0x00FF00AA,X,Y,Z,25, 0, 1);
    		strmid(ApartmentInfo[apid][sDescription], "Apartment", 0, strlen("Apartment"), 255);
    		strmid(ApartmentInfo[apid][sMessage],"For Sale",0,strlen("For Sale"),255);
    		ApartmentPickup[apid] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 1, ApartmentInfo[apid][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[apid][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[apid][sEnterz]);
    		format(string, sizeof(string),"You have made Apartment ID: %d",apid);
    		SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, string);
    		return 1;
    	else { SendClientMessage(playerid,GREY,"You are not admin(RCON)!!"); return 1; }
    CMD:reapartment(playerid, params[]) // removing apartment (ONLY RCON)
    		new apid;
        	if(sscanf(params, "i", apid))
    			SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "/reapartment [id]");
    			return 1;
    		if(ApartmentInfo[apid][sCreated] == 1)
    		    new string[500]; new file[500];
    			ApartmentInfo[apid][sCreated] = 0;
    			format(string, sizeof(string),"You have removed apartment id: %d",apid);
    			SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, string);
    			return 1;
    			SendClientMessage(playerid, GREY, "That apartment does not exist!");
    			return 1;
    	else { SendClientMessage(playerid,GREY,"You are not admin(RCON)!!"); return 1; }
    CMD:aptel(playerid, params[]) // teleporting to apartment(ONLY RCON)
    		new stan;
        	if(sscanf(params, "i", stan))
    			SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "/apartment [id]");
    			return 1;
    		InApartment[playerid] = stan;
    		return 1;
    	else { SendClientMessage(playerid,GREY,"You are not admin(RCON)!!"); return 1; }
    CMD:apedit(playerid, params[]) // editing apartments
        	new text[48]; new broj; // broj = number
        	if(sscanf(params, "s[48]i",text, broj))
            	SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "HELP: /sedit price [cena] | level [lvl] | int [1-3]");
            	return 1;
        	if(strcmp(text,"price",true) == 0) // editing price
        		if(broj < 0) { return 1; }
    			for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); i++)
    	    		new string[128];
        			if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2,ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[i][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterz]))
    			    	ApartmentInfo[i][sPrice] = broj;
    			    	format(string, sizeof(string), "You ahve changed Apartment ID: %d price, to: %d $", i, broj);
    					SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, string);
    					return 1;
    			return 1;
        	if(strcmp(text,"level",true) == 0) // editing level
        	    if(broj < 0) { return 1; }
    			for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); i++)
    	    		new string[128];
        			if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2,ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[i][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterz]))
    			    	ApartmentInfo[i][sLevel] = broj;
    			    	format(string, sizeof(string), "You ahve changed Apartment ID: %d level to: %d", i, broj);
    					SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, string);
    					return 1;
    			return 1;
        	if(strcmp(text,"int",true) == 0) // editing interior(furniture)
        	    if(broj < 0 || broj > 5) { SendClientMessage(playerid,GREY,"Interior(furniture) cannot be under 0 and over 5 !"); return 1; }
    			for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(ApartmentInfo); i++)
    	    		new string[128];
        			if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2,ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterx], ApartmentInfo[i][sEntery], ApartmentInfo[i][sEnterz]))
    				    if(broj == 1) // default furniture
    			    		ApartmentInfo[i][sExitx] = 225.756989;
    						ApartmentInfo[i][sExity] = 1240.000000;
    						ApartmentInfo[i][sExitz] = 1082.149902;
    						ApartmentInfo[i][sInt] = 2;
    			    		format(string, sizeof(string), "You have changed Apartment ID: %d furniture to  %d (this is default furniture)", i, broj);
    						SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, string);
    						SendClientMessage(playerid,WHITE,"Enter to Apartment to see new furniture!");
    						return 1;
    					if(broj == 2)
    				        ApartmentInfo[i][sExitx] = 260.983978;
    			    		ApartmentInfo[i][sExity] = 1286.549927;
    			    		ApartmentInfo[i][sExitz] = 1080.299927;
    			    		ApartmentInfo[i][sInt] = 4;
    			    		format(string, sizeof(string), "You have changed Apartment ID: %d furniture to  %d", i, broj);
    						SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, string);
    						SendClientMessage(playerid,WHITE,"Enter to Apartment to see new furniture!");
    						return 1;
    				    if(broj == 3)
    				        ApartmentInfo[i][sExitx] = 385.803986;
    			    		ApartmentInfo[i][sExity] = 1471.769897;
    			    		ApartmentInfo[i][sExitz] = 1080.209961;
    			    		ApartmentInfo[i][sInt] = 15;
    			    		format(string, sizeof(string), "You have changed Apartment ID: %d furniture to  %d", i, broj);
    						SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, string);
    						SendClientMessage(playerid,WHITE,"Enter to Apartment to see new furniture!");
    						return 1;
    				    if(broj == 4)
    				    	ApartmentInfo[i][sExitx] = -42.4992;
    						ApartmentInfo[i][sExity] = 1406.0690;
    						ApartmentInfo[i][sExitz] = 1084.4297;
    			    		ApartmentInfo[i][sInt] = 8;
    			    		format(string, sizeof(string), "You have changed Apartment ID: %d furniture to  %d", i, broj);
    						SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, string);
    						SendClientMessage(playerid,WHITE,"Enter to Apartment to see new furniture!");
    						return 1;
    				    if(broj == 5)
    				        ApartmentInfo[i][sExitx] = 446.5014;
    			    		ApartmentInfo[i][sExity] = 507.0295;
    			    		ApartmentInfo[i][sExitz] = 1001.4195;
    			    		ApartmentInfo[i][sInt] = 12;
    			    		format(string, sizeof(string), "You have changed Apartment ID: %d furniture to  %d", i, broj);
    						SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, string);
    						SendClientMessage(playerid,WHITE,"Enter to Apartment to see new furniture!");
    						return 1;
    			return 1;
    	else { SendClientMessage(playerid,GREY,"You are not admin(RCON)!!"); return 1; }
        return 1;

    Va rog sa raportati orice problema gasita pentru a fi remediata !

    C:\Users\fodor\Desktop\haman\gamemodes\BGGM.pwn(540) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "YSI/y_ini"                            ajutor

  4. La 18.09.2020 la 15:27, LucianL a spus:

    core/vehicles/core.pwn(1) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "neons"

    Compilation aborted.

    Pawn compiler 3.10.8              Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase




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