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  1. AlexxAdv's post in baza de date was marked as the answer   
    Problema este de la host, trimite le sa ți rezolve sau dacă ai host pe propriu tău vps, asigura te ca ai mysqld instalat
  2. AlexxAdv's post in Nu se incarca clanul was marked as the answer   
    forward LoadClanInfo(); public LoadClanInfo() { clanss = cache_num_rows(); for(new i = 1; i <= clanss; i++) { new x = i - 1; ClanInfo[i][cClanID] = cache_get_field_content_int(x, "clanID"); ClanInfo[i][cClanExpire] = cache_get_field_content_int(x, "clanExpire"); ClanInfo[i][cClanActive] = cache_get_field_content_int(x, "clanActive"); ClanInfo[i][cClanSlots] = cache_get_field_content_int(x, "clanSlots"); ClanInfo[i][cClanSeif] = cache_get_field_content_int(x, "clanSeif"); cache_get_field_content(x, "clanName", ClanInfo[i][cClanName], SQL, 130); cache_get_field_content(x, "clanColor", ClanInfo[i][cClanColor], SQL, 130); cache_get_field_content(x, "clanMOTD", ClanInfo[i][cClanMOTD], SQL, 130); cache_get_field_content(x, "clanTag", ClanInfo[i][cClanTag], SQL, 130); cache_get_field_content(x, "clanRankName7", ClanInfo[i][cClanRankName7], SQL, 130); cache_get_field_content(x, "clanRankName6", ClanInfo[i][cClanRankName6], SQL, 130); cache_get_field_content(x, "clanRankName5", ClanInfo[i][cClanRankName5], SQL, 130); cache_get_field_content(x, "clanRankName4", ClanInfo[i][cClanRankName4], SQL, 130); cache_get_field_content(x, "clanRankName3", ClanInfo[i][cClanRankName3], SQL, 130); cache_get_field_content(x, "clanRankName2", ClanInfo[i][cClanRankName2], SQL, 130); cache_get_field_content(x, "clanRankName1", ClanInfo[i][cClanRankName1], SQL, 130); } for(new car = 1; car <= clanss; car++) { LoadClanCar(car); } printf("[LOADING] %d clans loaded.", clanss); } Modifica in asta, apoi te duci in baza de date phpmyadmin, selectezi tabelul clans si dai pe el golire(empty), apoi rr la server si incerci iar.
  3. AlexxAdv's post in Problema Pawno zcmd was marked as the answer   
    Iti lipseste zcmd.inc din pawno > include
  4. AlexxAdv's post in Plugins was marked as the answer   
    Zi-le sa tasteze yum install glibc.i686 sau apt-get install glibc.i686 
  5. AlexxAdv's post in Am o problema was marked as the answer   
    #define cVirualx si la enum pinfo pui cVirtual
    Eventual daca folosesti gm bigzone faci si un case cVirualx: in care sa salveze unde vrei tu pe numele variabilei.
    Insa poti adauga doar la enum pinfo cVirual si sa te folosesti de o functie care salveaza unde vrei tu %s = %d sau %s = %s ori %s = %f depinde.
  6. AlexxAdv's post in Ajutor comanda /bonus was marked as the answer   
    Adauga la inceput de gm
    new BonusActiv = 0;
    #define COLOR_BLUE          0x211CDEC8
    iar comanda uite https://pastebin.com/SmUuV6Wk
  7. AlexxAdv's post in Probelama case was marked as the answer   
    Verifica vw, vezi daca ai mărit houseinfo dacă ai 255 case, definite trebuie sa ai 256 
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