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Posts posted by Vasile123

  1. treasure_hunt.inc(305) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
    ../gamemodes/systems/treasure_hunt.inc(343) : error 017: undefined symbol "RentCarPTD"
    ../gamemodes/systems/treasure_hunt.inc(343) : error 017: undefined symbol "i"
    ../gamemodes/systems/treasure_hunt.inc(343) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
    ../gamemodes/systems/treasure_hunt.inc(343) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

  2. Chiar acum, gAZAh. a spus:

    Cauti in modules sql.pwn

    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(36) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnGameModeInit")
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(10) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_connect"
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(10) : warning 213: tag mismatch
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(13) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_errno"
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(15) : error 017: undefined symbol "printf"
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(16) : error 017: undefined symbol "printf"
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(17) : error 017: undefined symbol "printf"
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(21) : error 017: undefined symbol "printf"
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(22) : error 017: undefined symbol "printf"
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(23) : error 017: undefined symbol "printf"
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(25) : warning 217: loose indentation
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(25) : error 004: function "sqlc_OnGameModeInit" is not implemented
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(35) : error 001: expected token: ")", but found "<"
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(35) : warning 231: state specification on forward declaration is ignored
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(35) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(36) : error 001: expected token: ")", but found "<"
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(36) : error 085: no states are defined for symbol "va_mysql_query"
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(36) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
    D:\C\Desktop\gamemode\modules\sql.pwn(36 -- 37) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

    Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664              Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

    15 Errors.

  3. Acum 6 ore, Ionut_WS a spus:

    Salut, eu sunt Ionut si in acest topic va voi oferii accesul oficial la noua versiune a gamemode-ului Bluffs, ca in topicul anterior vreau sa mentionez ca am inceput de la gamemode-ul postat de Droom pentru ca mi-a placut structurarea lui, insa de la versiunea lui pana la ultima s-au schimbat multe, ce sa mai, acum la ultima versiune e mai mult nou, mai mult edit. 

    Pentru inceput, o sa va zic doar o parte din lucruri pentru ca stiu ca va plictisiti usor:

    - raport/rank up automat la factiuni

    - sistemului de clan i-a fost acordat un update prin adaugarea seifului pentru clan si vehiculelor pentru clan (PS: daca vreti sa afisati cati bani a depus fiecare in clan, aveti variabila creata, doar cat o treceti la afisarea membrilor "pClanDep")

    - design-ul pe panel a fost modificat si modificate unele functii, adaugat pe la profil niste functii noi, vedeti voi

    - reparate destul de multe bug uri

    Desigur, au fost mai multe lucruri facute, insa sincer acum sunt entuiziasmat ca am terminat sistemul la clanuri si nu mi le mai amintesc pe toate, dar am facut destul de multe lucruri interesante de la ultimul update, daca veti deschide si veti vrea sa faceti o diferenta, este enorm de sesizabila. 

    Nu uitati sa dati un +1 daca va place si astfel voi stii daca sa mai editez pentru viitor, asta o fac oricum din placere, insa daca eu tot nu imi deschid server de samp pentru ca nu am timp de administrare, macar sa aiba cineva pe mana un asa gamemode.

    Link download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m3Fv-u39u87IOuBzFCJgLVMPBbEB5zE0/view

    Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/#/url/60f7783dadcaeb1f6b6d5a707f6d3be2703d3ff31f16ff5c9f5c53d99666b50a/detection (acum e link bun la virustotal)

    Poze: Nu am mai facut, insa daca ati mai luat gm-uri de la mine, stiti cum sta treaba.

    Sper sa va placa, succes cu el daca aveti planuri mari ;)!

    Nu imi merge link-ul pune-l pe alt site ;)

  4. Acum 12 ore, SkillZ_IT. a spus:

    cauta SkillZ in gamemode si inlocuieste cu numele tau, este functia rcon_login daca imi aduc bine aminte

    Care din gm-uri e bun sau sunt amandoua bune

    Edit:Am reusit

  5. Acum 3 ore, SkillZ_IT. a spus:


    sunt niste simple warninguri, verificati daca total nu mai este folosit in alta parte, si la al 2-lea verificati linia, nu afecteaza cu nimic.

    de ce nu mi se salveaza conturile in baza de date?

  6. +1 GG pentru munca   depusa!


    E:\Partitia C\Desktop\edited by skillz\gamemodes\skillz.pwn(22336) : warning 219: local variable "total" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    E:\Partitia C\Desktop\edited by skillz\gamemodes\skillz.pwn(28634) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
    Pawn compiler 3.2.3664              Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

    2 Warnings.

    Ce sa ii fac?

  7. E:\Partitia C\Desktop\gamemode burned edited by Cosmin\pawno\include\a_mysql.inc(299) : warning 219: local variable "f" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    E:\Partitia C\Desktop\gamemode burned edited by Cosmin\pawno\include\mSelection.inc(598) : warning 219: local variable "f" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    E:\Partitia C\Desktop\gamemode burned edited by Cosmin\gamemodes\gmm.pwn(1542) : error 017: undefined symbol "LoadTDs"
    E:\Partitia C\Desktop\gamemode burned edited by Cosmin\gamemodes\gmm.pwn(30904) : warning 219: local variable "f" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    E:\Partitia C\Desktop\gamemode burned edited by Cosmin\gamemodes\gmm.pwn(30913) : warning 219: local variable "f" shadows a variable at a preceding level
    Pawn compiler 3.2.3664              Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

    1 Error.

    Ce sa ii fac?

  8. ----------
    Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

    SA-MP Dedicated Server
    v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

    Server Plugins
     Loading plugin: crashdetect
      CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
     Loading plugin: sscanf


          sscanf plugin loaded.

             Version:  2.8.1

       (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole


     Loading plugin: mysql
     Loading plugin: streamer

    *** Streamer Plugin v2.7.7 by Incognito loaded ***

     Loading plugin: Whirlpool


      Whirlpool loaded


     Loaded 4 plugins.

    Started server on port: 7777, with maxplayers: 100 lanmode is OFF.

      Loaded 0 filterscripts.

    [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [debug]  cache_get_row_count
    [debug]  cache_get_field_content
    [debug]  cache_get_field_count
    [debug]  cache_get_row
    [debug]  mysql_query
    [debug]  mysql_log
    [debug]  mysql_connect
    [debug]  cache_delete
    [debug]  mysql_format
    [debug]  mysql_tquery
    [debug]  cache_insert_id
    [debug]  mysql_escape_string
    [debug]  cache_get_field_content_int
    [debug]  cache_get_field_content_float
    [debug]  mysql_unprocessed_queries
    [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    [debug]  cache_get_row_count
    [debug]  cache_get_field_content
    [debug]  cache_get_field_count
    [debug]  cache_get_row
    [debug]  mysql_query
    [debug]  mysql_log
    [debug]  mysql_connect
    [debug]  cache_delete
    [debug]  mysql_format
    [debug]  mysql_tquery
    [debug]  cache_insert_id
    [debug]  mysql_escape_string
    [debug]  cache_get_field_content_int
    [debug]  cache_get_field_content_float
    [debug]  mysql_unprocessed_queries
    Script[gamemodes/gmm.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
    Number of vehicle models: 0


  9. Acum 4 minute, MaRaN a spus:

    Imi zice si mie cineva de ce imi da Stop Working?


    Sterge asta 

    if(SQL && mysql_errno(SQL) == 1)
            printf("[MYSQL]: Connection to database was established!");
            printf("[MYSQL]: Connection to database failed!");

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