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  1. Mafia.'s post in Ajutor - cum trec de pe 0.3 pe 0.3.7 was marked as the answer   
    Salut ,
    Dowloadezi : Click Dezarhivezi Copiezi astea                    announce.exe
                      dosarul pawno\include
          4. Recompilati gamemode-ul si filterscript-urile.
    Si gata serverul tau e pe versiunea 0.3.7
  2. Mafia.'s post in Cerere comanda /lideri was marked as the answer   
    CMD:leaders( playerid, params [ ] ) { new szString[ 1200 ]; format( szString, sizeof( szString ), "{FFFFFF}LSPD - Lider: %s (%s) - Membri: %d/10n", GetFactionLeader( 1 ), IsOnline( GetFactionLeader( 1 ) ), GetFactionMembers( 1 ) ); //// ETC ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 3434, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Lista Factiunilor", szString, "Ok", "" ); return 1; } stock IsOnline( szName[ ] ) { new szState[ 40 ]; if( IsPlayerConnected( ReturnUserEx( szName ) ) ) { format( szState, 40, "{C0FF00}Online{FFFFFF}" ); } else format( szState, 40, "{FF0000}Offline{FFFFFF}" ); return szState; } stock GetFactionLeader( FactionID ) { new szString[ 128 ], Cache: Result, Get[ 2 ], szLeaderName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ]; format( szString, sizeof( szString ), "SELECT `Name` FROM `users` WHERE `Leader` = %d LIMIT 1;", FactionID );// Aici modifici tu cum ai in baza de date !! Result = mysql_query( SQL, szString ); cache_get_data( Get[ 0 ], Get[ 1 ], SQL ); if( !Get[ 0 ] ) szLeaderName = "NO-ONE"; else cache_get_field_content( 0, "Name", szLeaderName, SQL, sizeof( szLeaderName ) ); cache_delete( Result ); return ( szLeaderName ); } stock GetFactionMembers( FactionID ) { new szString[ 128 ], Cache: Result, Get[ 2 ]; format( szString, sizeof( szString ), "SELECT `Member` FROM `users` WHERE `Member` = %d", FactionID );// Aici modifici tu cum ai in baza de date !! Result = mysql_query( SQL, szString ); cache_get_data( Get[ 0 ], Get[ 1 ], SQL ); cache_delete( Result ); return Get[ 0 ]; }
  3. Mafia.'s post in Error script GivePlayerWeapon was marked as the answer   
    Vezi ca ai uitat ";" 
    Check : GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 9, 1) aici ai uitat 
    Pune asa : GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 9, 1);
  4. Mafia.'s post in Cerere tutorial Car Dealership was marked as the answer   
    Porftim de aici : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmyaIqho6J0
  5. Mafia.'s post in Cum fac un Special Minigun was marked as the answer   
    Poftim aici :
  6. Mafia.'s post in Cerere tutorial kilometri parcursi. was marked as the answer   
    Poftim aici un tutorial ! 

  7. Mafia.'s post in Problema Login was marked as the answer   
    Daca e pe mysql fai conexiunea la mysql bine ..  In caz contrar posteaza Server.log .
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