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Posts posted by Fallen0329

  1. 1. incearca sa refaci comanda de la 0, si de data asta incearca sa o faci logic nu copia comenzi din alta parte si dupa le modifici tu.

    2. dupa ce vei face comanda de la 0 vei sti cum se face si pentru mai multe ganguri

    3. sa nu primeasca wanted se rezolva din onplayerdeath

    4. http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/SetTimerEx

  2. ai facut toate astea?

    1) Add more cars on buy?

    -Simply, just in OnFilterScriptInit add to other this: AddMoreCar(Vehicle_Model,Price,Max_Speed,Level); and set on NUMBER_OF_VEHICLES how much model is on buy

    2) To change coordinates?

    -Check this:

    #define COORDINATES 1948.0917,1370.3293,9.1094,90//Here you can put your coordinates for car where will be car on list spawn
    #define COORDINATES_FOR_BUY 1948.0917,1370.3293,9.1094//Coordinates where player can type /buycar
    #define SPAWN_cX 1948.0917//Coordainte X where buyed car will be spawn
    #define SPAWN_cY 1375.3293//Coordainte Y where buyed car will be spawn
    #define SPAWN_cZ 9.1094//Coordainte Z where buyed car will be spawn
    #define SPAWN_cA 90//Angle of spawned cars

    3) Get max car speed?

    -You can get max speed on this site: http://gta.wikia.com/Vehicle_Stats_in_GTA_San_Andreas

    3) Instal this?

    -Unrar FS in you folder of gamemode

    -Set information in server.cfg

    -Then open FS and find #define NUMBER_FOR_LOAD+1 and there you set how much cars you have in gamemode. This is important. You must set it beacuse then it'll save properly

  3. modifica cu asta si ar trebui sa mearga



    public SendTeamMessage(team, color, string)


    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)




        if(PlayerInfo[pMember] == team || PlayerInfo[pLeader] == team)


    SCM(i, color, string);






  4. inlocuieste comanda cu asta


    if(strcmp(cmd, "/clothes", true) == 0)






        if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 1) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 280; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 280); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 2) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 286; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 286); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 3) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 287; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 287); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 4) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 70; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 70); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 5) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 124; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 124); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 6) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 120; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 120); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 8) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 127; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 127); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 9) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 148; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 148); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 10) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 255; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 255); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 11) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 59; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 59); }

    //else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 12) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 100; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 100); }

    //else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 13) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 173; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 173); }

    //else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 14) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 121; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 121); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 15) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 108; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 108); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 16) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 114; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 114); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 17) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 102; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 102); }

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 18) { ChosenSkin[playerid] = 105; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 105); }

    else { return 1; }

    GetPlayerPos(playerid, ChangePos[playerid][0],ChangePos[playerid][1],ChangePos[playerid][2]);

    ChangePos2[playerid][0] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);

    ChangePos2[playerid][1] = 1;


    new rand = random(sizeof(gInviteSpawns));

    SetPlayerPos(playerid, gInviteSpawns[rand][0], gInviteSpawns[rand][1], gInviteSpawns[rand][2]); // Warp the player

    SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, gInviteSpawns[rand][3]);

    SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid,gInviteSpawns[rand][0] + 3, gInviteSpawns[rand][1], gInviteSpawns[rand][2]);

    SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid,gInviteSpawns[rand][0], gInviteSpawns[rand][1], gInviteSpawns[rand][2]);

    TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);

    SelectChar[playerid] = 255;

    SelectCharID[playerid] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember];

    SelectCharPlace[playerid] = 1;

    PlayerInfo[playerid][pModel] = ChosenSkin[playerid];

        PlayerInfo[playerid][pChar] = ChosenSkin[playerid];

        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "* Use 'next' to Select the char you want to use.");

        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "* If you've found the Char you want to use, type 'done'.");




    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "  You are not in a Clothing Shop !");

    return 1;



        return 1;



  5. dane functia SendTeamMessage

    iar unde ai


    SendTeamMessage(2, COLOR_DBLUE, string);

    SendTeamMessage(1, COLOR_DBLUE, string);


    va mai trebui sa adaugi pe langa cele 2 linii inca


    SendTeamMessage(3, COLOR_DBLUE, string);

    SendTeamMessage(4, COLOR_DBLUE, string);


  6. in loc de


                  PlayerHaul[TRAILER][pCapasity] = 500;

    PlayerHaul[TRAILER2][pCapasity] = 500;

    PlayerHaul[TRAILER3][pCapasity] = 500;

    PlayerHaul[TRUCK4][pCapasity] = 250;




                  PlayerHaul[TRUCK][pCapasity] = 500;

    PlayerHaul[TRUCK2][pCapasity] = 500;

    PlayerHaul[TRUCK3][pCapasity] = 500;

    PlayerHaul[TRUCK4][pCapasity] = 250;


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