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Imi da eroare dupa ce pun JunkBuster11



Salut , azi am pus JunkBuster 11 , am facut exact cum zice in acel fisier README.txt in acum cand compilez GM-ul imi da erorile astea :-"

[pawn]D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(140) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "GetPlayerMoney")

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(141) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "ResetPlayerMoney")

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(142) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "GivePlayerMoney")

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(143) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "PutPlayerInVehicle")

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(144) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "GivePlayerWeapon")

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(145) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "SetPlayerPos")

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(146) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "SetVehiclePos")

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(2795) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerMoney"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(2824) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerMoney"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(2861) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerWeapon"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(2890) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(3283) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(3289) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(3307) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(3321) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(3334) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(3347) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(3360) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(3530) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(3542) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(3993) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerMoney"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(4530) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerMoney"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(4746) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(4756) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(4797) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(4801) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerWeapon"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(4823) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(4835) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerWeapon"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(4837) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(4843) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(4851) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(4860) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_GivePlayerMoney"

D:\Backup SAMP Server\gamemodes\godfatherNEW.pwn(4890) : error 017: undefined symbol "JB_SetPlayerPos"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.



Recomand acest server Romanesc bY woozie aka. weedluver aka. undertaker !!

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EDIT : Am rezolvat cu junkbusterul insa acum dupa ce intru pe server primesc BAN aiurea , in server.log apare asa :

193.xx.xx.xx [30/03/13 | 08:12:02] Lordx - Cheats detected

Nu folosesc nici un fel de cod :-"


Recomand acest server Romanesc bY woozie aka. weedluver aka. undertaker !!

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