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Problemă la givekey



Problema intalnita (descriere): Am făcut comanda /givekey, dar am o eroare care îmi pune capac.
Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): 

C:\Users\Dani\Desktop\xrev\samp03\gamemodes\vx-rp.pwn(6630) : error 028: invalid subscript (not an array or too many subscripts): "pCarModel"
C:\Users\Dani\Desktop\xrev\samp03\gamemodes\vx-rp.pwn(6630) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\Dani\Desktop\xrev\samp03\gamemodes\vx-rp.pwn(6630) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
C:\Users\Dani\Desktop\xrev\samp03\gamemodes\vx-rp.pwn(6630) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\Dani\Desktop\xrev\samp03\gamemodes\vx-rp.pwn(6630) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu): 

CMD:givekey(playerid, params[])
	new id,giveplayer[30],sendername[30],string[128];
	if(sscanf(params, "i", id)) return SCM(playerid, -1, "Syntax: /givekey [playerid]");
	if(HireCar[id] != -1) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "This player already has a pair of keys.");
		if(ProxDetectorS(5.0, playerid, id))
			if(HireCar[id] != -1) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "This player already has a set of key.");
			HireCar[id] = pCarModel[playerid];
			GetPlayerName(id, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
			GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
			format(string, sizeof(string), "You have given %s the key to your vehicle", giveplayer);
			PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			SendCliendMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string);
			format(string, sizeof(string), "You have recievede the key to a vehicle from %s", sendername);
			SendClientMessage(id, COLOR_WHITE, string);
			format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s takes out a set of keys and tosses them to %s.", sendername, giveplayer);
	return 1;

Imagini / Video (optional): ------
Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?: Da, din câtea am încercat să îmi dau seama la rândul cu pricina 

HireCar[id] = pCarModel[playerid];

în loc de pCarModel trebuie să pun variabila că detin masina...help me please.

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